Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Didn't make it to Wintour's last night, despite the glorious weather. Did in fact go down the wall instead to hook up with Sarah and Neil who have spent some considerable amount of time travelling around Fiji. Based on their recommendations, we may revisit our plans and head into the less tourist-ridden islands instead. Dave and Henk came down, too, and both of them are climbing rather well, actually, despite not going that frequently. Dave was sporting a rather Oasis-esque 4-day stubble, which apparently is the way his lady friend prefers him :)

Hoping for Wintour's tonight though. Plan is for Sarah to get on her old nemesis 'Freedom' (VS 4c) which is quite stiff for the grade. It would be a great confidence boost for her, seeing that she's struggled on it before. Then my rematch with 'Split Flies' beckons if we have time.

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