Thursday, August 25, 2005

4th Test

The fourth Ashes test is starting today. Cricket was even referred to as being 'sexy' today on the morning news. "Not since the days of the Botham ashes.." etc.

Anyway. The work Haiku-duel is continuing on the internal IRC channel. Spike still has the lead with this gem of a put-down, referring to Steve's percieved lack of humor:

I see tumbleweeds
A bell tolls in the distance
Tragic joke alert

Finally managed to complete season 5 of The West Wing last night. Was worried about what the lack of Sorkin might do to the quality of the show, but although it started off a bit wobbly, it really took off towards the end.

Got a run in last night, but my running really has gone down the pan. Realistically, my chances of reaching the starting line of the half marathon is diminishing rapidly. At least there's an extra day off Monday. Sarah and I are heading for Pembroke, unless the weather forecast turns nasty. Looking good at the moment, anyway, so fingers crossed. Will hopefully get something in tonight with Paul at Wintour's, too.

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