Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I can see the sun, it's a miracle! Shame we've arranged to go indooring working the 7b circuit. Did the 2 x Downs loop last night, at a reasonable 52. That was faster than I had intended, as I foolishly decided to try to keep up with Sarah's pace for the first lap. This got me around in about 25, but then I was suffering endlessly for the next lap. Angus came around in the evening and we finally managed to watch the concluding two episodes of '24'. Apparently, Fox has commissioned two more seasons, but I don't think I'll bother watching it, as it's rapidly becoming a case of deja-vu. Funnily (or disturbingly, if you prefer), there's been quite a few mentions of Jack Bauer and his interrogation methods in the public debate surrounding the recent London terrorist attacks. Apart from the unfortunate octuple-tap of the innocent Brazilian electrician, the police has actually been remarkably successful in wrapping up the terrorist cells, but the old adage still stands - the police has to be successful every time, whereas the terrorists only once.

Anyway. Release your books.

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