Friday, September 30, 2005

The end of the beginning

So, the day has come. When I initially set up this blog, the intention was to start writing this day, but it took on a life of its own..

I have been here for nearly five years. Doing my PhD taught me research, how to write and how to program computers down to the bare metal. Working here has taught me what it means to be a software engineer. There is a world of difference. How to work in a team, and the fact that code that no one else can understand is bad, regardless of how smart the solution was. I've had the privilege of working with some very smart people, both past and present. So, to DaveC, DaveH, Andy, Tariq, Glyn, Karl, Luke, Steve, Rich, Paul and more recently MarkK -- thanks for making the development team a fun place to work, through good times and bad.

From today, I'm officially unemployed. I'm sure this will take some time to get used to, mentally.


Karma Police said...

[wipes tears from eyes]

And a big-up to Chris and Nana, without whom none of this would have been possible..

Anonymous said...

All the best for you and your missus. :)