Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Run went OK last night, but my foot is stiff today. Good to see A & K last night, even if we had to defer '24' due to a technical fault. No worries - gives us another excuse to crack open a bottle of red at a later stage. Kate's apparently doing 7 mile runs in ~48 minutes which would mean an amazing improvement on her previous half marathon time if she keeps it up.

Paul and I are hopefully heading for Wintour's tonight for an epic excursion, weather permitting. Looking dull, but apparently should hold, according to the Beeb. Rest of the week predicted to be a wash-out, sadly. Unsure about the weekend, Pembroke or the Peak, hopefully.

Mathias has settled in in the ambassador's residence in Guatemala City. He's been living in all sorts of countries in the back and beyond, but even he, street-wise as he is, appears to be feeling a bit uneasy in GC, ranking as the murder capital of the world.

Had an email off Chris last night - he's visiting his folks in Hereford mid-week, and might pop down to Bristol for a visit. On his bike (nutter).

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