Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Four people were detained in Brimingham this morning, one of which is suspected to be one of the failed bombers from the other day. He had to be tasered, as he was 'resisting arrest' apparently. He's been brought down to London for questioning, wheras the other three remain in Birmingham at present.

Paul and I had a good evening at Wintour's Leap, on 'Flyover' (E3 5b, 6a). Final pitch was sustained, but eminently doable - I had to grab a thread (post crux, annoyingly) after misreading the sequence and not having enough left in the tank to reverse and regroup. Gear was mainly pegs and threads (two of which were in-situ - thanks Tim!) and I'd put the grade at E2 5a, 5c - it was certainly a lot easier than 'Firefly'.

Weather's forecast to be shite for the rest of the week, probably including the weekend.

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