Monday, February 01, 2010


So here we are, lots - and I really mean LOTS - of snow. And -22 to test your mettle. Andermatt really could be taken off a hand-painted Swiss chocolate tin. Our apartment really is shiny - it looks brand new, and all IKEA-furnished. In fact, almost everyone here seems to be Scandinavian, too - it's just like home - people speaking Swedish, -22, and IKEA. First day was spent finding our legs in stacks of powder, but poor visibility. Second day - Sarah befriended a random Swedish boarder, who showed us some of the back country - of which there is lots around here. Powder legs coming back. We have a couple of days now to 'warm up' before Krister arrives to show us some of the tours around here - the potential is amazing. Gotta love the Swiss - the trains really are ridiculously punctual, clean, fast and - ok, not that cheap - but the journey here went very much (pun intended) like clockwork.

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