Tuesday, April 11, 2006


The Observer recently published an excellent article on the life and death of Jean-Christoph Lafaille.

A truly inspirational character, and the mountaineering world is a lesser place without him.


Andy G said...

Inspirational? A matter of personal opinion. But then again someone has to be so far 'out there' like him to spur the rest on. Climbing alone like that it was only a matter of time before something happened to him?
Mountaineering - a Game of Ghosts indeed.

Karma Police said...

Inspirational in the sense that he was a truly allround super talent - 8c sport climber, Font 8b boulderer, top mixed and cascade climber, alpiniste extraordinaire etc. Yet, none of the ego and superiority complex that seems to plague other 'rock stars' in the game.

The finest mountain man since Messner?