Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Permanent vacation

We have a bunch of students living next door. To be fair to them, they are generally reasonably considerate. We've asked them once on a Sunday (or Monday, actually) to keep it down a bit at 3am, as we need our beauty sleep in order to get up for work. However, Rich, the builder installing the bathroom relayed the following story.

Whilst Sarah and I were diving in Egypt, Rich started work around the 8-8:30am mark. A knock on the door, Thursday morning around 9am. Pyjama-clad student on the door, clearly marked from the night before.

"Hey, man - you think you can keep it down a bit?"

"Not really, no. This is the time when people generally are at work"

"Yeah, but Thursdays are the only mornings I get a layin, and generally go out the Wednesday"

Rich is somewhat unsympathetic to the man's plight. The student carries on:

"Can you do something about it?"

"I can lend you a pair or ear defenders."

"But the couple here asked us to be quiet one night..."

"Well, perhaps now you understand what it feels like?"

Sheesh. Stoodents, eh.


Chris said...

And to think, about three years ago, that could have been you. Or Sarah.

Nana said...

Was thinking exactly the same thing... these poor students, they get a hard life... oh to be in that position again.