Thursday, March 30, 2006


Went to Fracture Clinic at Frenchay today. I'm continually amazed by the quality of care available through the frequently picked on NHS. Seen one day after I saw my GP, the French xrays were dismissed as unusable as the clarity and quality were below par. New ones were shot, and the conclusion is that my leg is in fact not broken at all. Cheers all around. However, my leg is 'messy' since the last break and umpteen operations, so the French doctors are not to be berated for playing it safe, given the medival xray gear they had at their disposal. I had the cast sawn off, and my foot prodded. It's still a bit sore, blue and battered, and the doctor was a bit reluctant to have me start running around on it, so I'm now sporting a fancy brace attached with various Velcro contraptions. It's removable, which means that having a shower becomes less of a hassle, so I'll be smelling better in the process. Due to revisit in a week's time for a reassessment, and hopefully to start my rehabilitation properly.

Three cheers for the NHS. And for not breaking my leg.


Anonymous said...

Typical French - giving in too easily. I'm surprised they weren't on strike.

Good news about the leg, though.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I should have gone to Frenchay as well. A shower, lucky sod.