Saturday, October 29, 2005

Bust hand

Like a numpty, I bust my hand yesterday, coming off the slack line. The line (which isn't really that slack, more like a very tight crossbow string) caught the top of my left middle finger and when it snapped back, so did my finger. It hurt a lot initially, but I thought I'd got away with it. However, in the middle of the night it really started to throb and swell, and I had to pop a Codydramol for the pain. I don't think it's broken -- I've broken fingers before -- but rather it's the knuckle joint that was twisted. Anyway, no climbing for me for a while which is a real bummer. I'm now confined to town, instead of climbing with the others. At least I should be able to get on top of the blog..

1 comment:

B said...

tough luck mate. Hope it heels soon.